Vegan Alfredo

Vegan Alfredo

I absolutely love pasta. I love it so much that I have to force myself to make something else for dinner because I am totally satisfied with making pasta every night. 

Last night I was not able to fight down my inner pasta demon. Alfredo pasta won, and I won too (so it's a draw?) because I made such a creamy sauce that I should be crowned! 😂

So I've seen in a few places that tofu has been used as a cream based sauce. And at first I was unsure of how it would taste. It just so happened that everything in my cupboards and fridge were front and center just for this. It's like they planned it themselves for me to make it!

So here it is, in it's very infant form... Alfredo sauce!

If you find anything to make it better, don't be afraid to tell me! This was just me throwing things inside, so it is a great place to start!

Do you see how creamy it is?


1 Block of tofu (I used firm, as it was all I had)
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1 1/2 teaspoon dried parsley
1/4 -1/2 cup unsweetened plant based milk
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 cups spinach
1 cup chopped mushrooms
1/2 red onion
5 cloves garlic
1/2 tablespoon onion powder
1/2 tablespoon garlic powder
Salt and pepper to taste


1. In a pot, bring your water to a boil, and cook your pasta following the instructions on your package.

2. Drain excess water from package of tofu, then put tofu in your blender (or food processor) I broke it down a bit, so it could fit everything.

3. Then add your nutritional yeast, parsley, onion powder, garlic powder, salt and pepper and starting with 1/4 of plant milk pulse until well incorporated. Taste to see if you would like to add any additional spices, more salt ect. (note: uncooked tofu, to me, has a very pumpkin-y taste. It should cook away once added to the pan) If it is too thick, add your last 1/4 cup of plant milk and blend again. Set aside.

4. In a deep pan over medium high heat, sauté onion, mushrooms and garlic in a tablespoon of olive oil, until onions become transparent, and mushrooms become tender. Add your spinach and season with salt and pepper. Cook until spinach cooks down and add your tofu sauce that you set to the side.

5. Stir this around to ensure it is cooked through, at this point you can add some red chili pepper flakes, but this is totally optional. Taste again, adjust seasoning to your liking. Add your cooked pasta, toss in sauce and serve!

It's as easy as that! I came up with the idea as I was cooking it last night, and it took no longer than 30 minutes! Thats not bad! I topped mine with additional nutritional yeast and red pepper flakes. Your choice what you want to top it with. 

Some fresh chopped basil would be amazing! Use your imagination!

Thank you for reading this! Please leave me some feed back!


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